Besuchen Sie die secIT der Heise Medien – eine der wichtigsten Messen für IT-Sicherheitsbeauftragte, Rechenzentrumsleiter, Netzwerkadministratoren und Entscheider in Sicherheitsfragen. In zwei Hallen des Hannover Congress Centrum (HCC) präsentieren mehr als 70 Unternehmen ihre Tools, Services und Expertise. Auf drei Bühnen werden Security-Koryphäen und Lösungsanbieter ein informationsreiches …
Visit Heise Medien's secIT - one of the most important trade fairs for IT security officers, data center managers , network administrators and decision -makers on security issues.
More than 70 companies will present their tools, services and expertise in two halls of the Hannover Congress Centrum (HCC) . On three stages , security luminaries and solution providers will offer an informative lecture program with around 50 sessions on the latest trends, solutions and information from IT security that will be valuable for your everyday work — selected by the editors of c't and iX. In addition, we are adding another hall to the exhibition, expanding the start-up area and creating an integrated recruiting area . 30 full and half-day workshopsand around 20 expert talks help to deepen central IT security aspects so that you can look forward to a secure future.